India Manufacturing Fund (AIF)

An Open-Ended scheme of Boring AMC Trust, a trust organised in India and registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) as a Category III Alternative Investment Fund

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Fund Strategy

Manufacturing: Sector Focus

There is a huge opportunity in India's Manufacturing Sector

  • Capital Goods / Industrials
  • Pharma / Chemicals
  • Autos / EVs / LITHIUM ION / Solar / Power
  • Textile / Steel / Cement / Green Energy / Renewables
  • Avoid: Infra / Real Estate / Trading

10 Reasons Why We Like Manufacturing?

  • Opportunity For Import Substitution
  • Deleveraging: Highest Across The World
  • Corporate Balance Sheets: Lower Leverage
  • Bank Credit Is Back
  • Demand: Shifts In India's Income Pyramid
  • Demographics: India Is Competitive
  • Order Books: All Time High
  • Capacity Utilisation: Above Average
  • Corporate Profit: About To Take Off
  • Government Reforms

Opportunity For Import Substitution

Import reduction due to Policy reforms, local investments & disruption in global supply chains. Huge potential for Manufacturing Sector

Deleveraging: Highest Across The World

Source: BIS, Jefferies
Indian non-financial sector debt-to-GDP has declined by 24%

Corporate Balance Sheets: Lower Leverage

Deleveraged India Inc has enough headroom to increase leverage for funding capex. This sets the stage for a new leg of investment cycle.

Bank Credit Is Back

Impaired loans have now decelerated to a 10-year low.

Banks are ready to fund the capex cycle.

YTD credit id growing at one of the highest rates in the past 10 years due to increase in domestic demand.

Demand: Shifts In India's Income Pyramid

Demographics: India Is Competitive

India has the best demographics amongst the leading Emerging Market countries. Labour costs are a key factor to propel India to become the world’s manufacturing hub

Order Books: All Time High

Post-COVID the capital goods industry saw a revival in order bookings

Increasing intensity of Gross Block addition due to demand uptick

Capacity Utilisation: Above Average

Capacity utilisation saw an uptick post-COVID and is currently above long-term average.

Corporate Profit: About To Take Off

Profits to compound at more than 25% over the next four years to reach the previous peak of 7% of GDP

Government Reforms

Do You Think Last 8 Years Reforms In India Can Be Wiped Of By A Single Event?

Increasing intensity of Gross Block addition due to demand uptick

Eco System

Fund Features

Fund Name The Boring AMC India Manufacturing Fund
Fund Type Category III Alternative Investment Fund
Target Corpus INR 500Cr
Commitment Amount Minimum INR 1Cr
Investment Manager / Sponsor OMKARA-ASSAS LLP
Tenure of the Fund The fund is open ended with no definite tenure
Trustee MITCON Credentia Trusteeship Services Ltd
Custodian Nuvama Custodial Services Limited
Fund Accountant Nuvama Clearing Services Limited
Legal & Tax advisor Mukesh M Gangar & Co.
RTA Kfintech Technologies Ltd
Sponsor commitment 5% of the corpus or INR 10 crore, which ever is lower
Taxation No specific pass-through status accorded to (no a) Category III AIFs. Trust taxation principles to apply to the AIF and practically taxes to be discharged at the AIF level. Investors are strongly urged to consult their tax advisors with (space) specific reference to their own situations. For more detail(s), please refer to the (P)rivate (P)lacement (M)emorandum. (PPM to be capitalised)

Fee Structure

Fee Type Class Capital Commitment Fixed Mgmt Fee Performance Fee Soft Lock in Exit Load
A1 INR 1cr-3cr 2.50% N/A 1 Year -2% 2%
A2 INR 3cr-5cr 2.25% N/A 1 Year -2% 2%
A3 INR 5cr-10cr 2.00% N/A 1 Year -2% 2%
A4 Above 10cr 1.50% N/A 1 Year -2% 2%
Variable (with performance fees) B1 INR 1cr-3cr 1.50% 15% sharing over 9% hurdle rate 1 Year -2% 2%
B2 INR 3cr-5cr 1.25% 15% sharing over 9% hurdle rate 1 Year -2% 2%
B3 INR 5cr-10cr 1.00% 15% sharing over 9% hurdle rate 1 Year -2% 2%
B4 Above 10cr 0.75% 15% sharing over 9% hurdle rate 1 Year -2% 2%

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